Case Study



The responsiveness of our patients and clinicians has increased by over 17% with text messaging.

On-demand telehealth services are best supported with text messaging.


We needed an additional and more immediate way to connect patients with our clinicians, beyond traditional phone calls.

DialCare is a multi-solution telemedicine platform. We connect patients to many different types of clinicians virtually based on their individual needs. I run the division that’s in charge of technology, including our product development pipeline and data analytics.

A few years ago, we realized that we needed to be able to text, not only our patients, but our clinicians as well. Text messages work better and faster at connecting our patients to our clinicians than email and phone calls. All we needed was a platform to help us manage our contacts and efficiently send text messages to our patients and clinicians.

Our contact center found Text Request through a Google search as a potential solution. The software stood out as something that would fit all our needs and be easy to implement across our other branches. After an extensive vetting and qualification process focused on security and stability of the solution, we chose Text Request as an approved solution and have experienced many process enhancements as a result.



Mass texts and templates enable us to deliver information quickly and consistently every time.

We are an on-demand service where we take a first-in and first-out approach to appointment scheduling. Mass texts and text message templates are a perfect fit for the immediate responses we need. 

For example, if we have a patient that is bi-lingual or needs a specific type of provider, like a pediatrician, we can use that information to identify our saved groups of appropriate clinicians that match.

We send those clinicians a non-clinical text introducing the patient’s needs, and whoever responds first is then connected to the patient. We additionally text providers what kind of consultation to expect, like whether it’s video vs. a phone call. 

On the patient side, we also use texts for general customer service. For example, if patients are engaged on a video call with a clinician that drops, we can text the patient to help them get back into the session. 

We also create text templates that fit common scenarios and questions we’ve come across in the past. Then it’s as easy as creating an outbound campaign and hitting send!

Justin Hajek DialCare Text Request Case Study
Our patient wait time has decreased by over 35% since we started using Text Request.”
Justin Hajek, Assistant Vice President of Program Management


Overall patient satisfaction has increased by 15%.

Text Request not only allows us to keep our patient wait times down, but we also get significantly faster responses from clinicians. My team saves over 15 hours a month using Text Request, which leaves us with more time to do other things.

We’re able to build in-depth contact lists, specifically on the clinician side, so we can easily identify who we need to connect patients to. The results were so immediate and clear, our other branches have since started using Text Request. It’s become an essential tool for our entire business.


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