Text Request helps us get quicker responses from our customers, which helps us move our production line along and complete projects in a timely manner.

Sign Making
Text Request fills the generational gaps in our communication, plus cuts out phone calls.


We wanted to get quicker responses from our customers.

FASTSIGNS helps businesses raise their business visibility and reach more customers through the power of custom designed signage. Our team looked into texting because we wanted to get quicker responses from customers. 

Between the massive amounts of spam emails that people get, and folks not wanting to pick up their phones during work, it’s just easier for customers to text us. Text Request stood out as a trustworthy solution that other FASTSIGNS locations have used.



Text messaging cuts out the troubleshooting we’d go through with our customer portal.

When customers request for a sign to be created, we always send proofs back so they have a chance to request any final changes.

A significant amount of our customers don’t want to check their email to find a link to our online portal to then view their proof. That’s why we’ll text the proof instead to significantly speed things up. Text Request is our trusted resource for getting responses, so we can keep things moving along.

Customers want things on a turnaround time, and we don’t want to be stuck on the phone when we could be helping someone at the front counter. Text messaging solves both of those things.

Jennifer Reese of FASTSIGNS Uniontown for Text Request
90% of the time we immediately hear back from customers and get the job done within 10 to 15 minutes.”
Jennifer Reese, Center Manager



Some of our repeat customers are reaching out via text to start new projects now.

Text Request has helped us fill the generational gaps in our communication, as well as cut out a significant amount of phone calls we didn’t need to be making. Not only do our customers respond faster to us, we’re able to respond faster to them. 

We’ve even had new sales start coming in via text from repeat customers who enjoy communicating with us in that way.


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