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SMS for Sales: Re-engage Cold Leads by Text

Have prospects who weren’t quite ready to buy? One outreach text a month can turn 3% to 15% of your cold leads back into red-hot sales opportunities. Here are three different texts to re-hook prospects.


1. Offer Solutions

Re-ignite interest by texting discounts related to pain points.

Leads go quiet as they decide if your solution best fits their needs. SMS updates and discounts directly related to their pain points will capture their attention again.

Price is a significant factor in their decision making, and sometimes time-boxing a discount within your text message will create enough urgency to get them to act.


2. Nudge for a Next Step

Ask cold leads what they need to reconsider doing business with you.

Sometimes you aren’t the lead’s priority yet. Text them once a month, so they don’t forget you.

“Hey [Name], do you have any questions about the proposal I sent last month? Want to set up a time to talk through it, or just text me your questions? Thanks. - [Rep] @ [Company]”

Be persistent and ask what they need to restart the conversation with you. 

3. Share New Products

Your new product or service could be exactly what a cold lead needs.

You may not have what a customer needs the first time they reach out. That’s why sending them updates on your new products and services is so vital. Including pictures and links to the new release will entice them the most.

Want to dive deeper? Check out our cold lead follow-up text message templates.


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