How Keywords Work Make Money with Keywords Use to Prove Opt-ins

SMS Marketing: Grow Revenue Through Keywords

Having more loyal customers makes it easier to increase profits, decrease costs, and acquire even more new customers.

We all want that. SMS Keywords can help you get there, and here’s how.


1. How Keywords Work

Contacts text a specific word to your number to opt into whatever you want.

Pick a word—any word—to use as your keyword. When contacts text this keyword to your number, like DEMO to 423-218-0111, three things can happen:

  1. They get an autoresponse confirming they opted in and giving them whatever deal or info you promised.

  2. They’re automatically added to a subscriber list (contact group) in Text Request. The list name matches the keyword you created.

  3. You can now text these subscribers offers and info to boost sales and engagement ongoing.

Keywords are valuable for most businesses and can be added to any account.


2. Make Money with Keywords

You’ve probably used them as a consumer already.

Keywords are a passive and effective way to bring in new customers, grow revenue, and keep existing customers highly engaged. A few common uses are:

  • Text DEAL for a special offer

  • Text WIN to enter to win

  • Text GIVE to donate today

  • Text INFO for updates and alerts

  • Text SCHEDULE to book a service

You can copy any of these examples or create your own. Then promote your keyword across your website, social media, in your office or store—wherever you’d expect to get eyes on it.

Tell people what keyword to text, what number to send it to, and what they'll get in exchange for texting.

As you grow your list, be sure to keep texting subscribers once a week, a month, a season, or however often makes sense for your offer.

sms keywords grow revenue and contact lists

3. Use to Prove Opt-ins

Mobile carriers are increasingly strict about contacts opting into texts. This helps.

Basically, carriers want to see proof that the people you’re texting actually asked for these messages—that you aren’t spamming them. 

Keywords are great for proving opt-ins, because those contacts have to text you to get on that subscriber list. Carriers like keywords even more when they’re displayed prominently on your website, like: 

 “Text DEMO to 423-218-0111 to schedule a product demo.”

Plain, simple, and effective. Once you’ve proved opt-ins, carriers tend to improve your message delivery rates, too.

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