Templates Mini Guide Templates in Action

Templates: Save Time & Keep Communication Consistent

Quality customer service can't happen without fast and consistent communication.

Here's how to create unlimited templates for any FAQs or other common communications your team handles.

create text templates with Text Request

Templates Mini Guide

Templates are the Text Request version of “stock” or “saved” messages. You can create it once, save it, and then anyone on your team can reuse it as often as they like.

To create a new template:

  1. Go to Templates in the Settings section of your Text Request menu

  2. Click + NEW TEMPLATE

  3. Type the name you want to use to identify the Template

  4. Type the message you want the Template to contain

  5. Click Add Template when you’re done

Read our in-depth templates guide here.

Templates in Action

DialCare is a multi-solution telemedicine platform. They connect patients to many different types of clinicians virtually based on their individual needs.

DialCare's team wants their customer service to be as fast as possible, so they created text message templates for common scenarios and questions. As a result, their patient wait time has decreased by over 35%.

Read DialCare's full case study here.

Justin Hajek DialCare Text Request Case Study
Our patient wait time has decreased by over 35% since we started using Text Request.”
Justin Hajek, Assistant Vice President of Program Management

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