Release Notes
Release v7.11
Released 3-14-2025
What’s New?
Delete Contacts and Message History — Administrators can now delete any contact, regardless of message history. Previously it was only possible to delete a contact if there was no message history with them. You can also mass delete contacts without message history through the Mass Actions bar in Contacts. Contacts with message history must be deleted individually.
Webhooks Debugging Interface — We added a debugging interface to provide developers with even more information about established webhooks. This interface can be accessed by selecting View Details under Actions for any webhook.
Zapier in Starter Plans — Zapier is now officially a 3rd Party Integration and is included in Starter plans and up.
Even More
Updated refresh modal that appears whenever a new release comes out. Just click the Refresh button and you’ll have the most up-to-date version of Text Request.
The Technical Contact listed in Account will be notified whenever a webhook is disconnected.
Updated Templates’ folder selector in Compose Message to now be scrollable with a mouse wheel, resulting in a better user experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug causing an error message in Account – Contacts if an excessively long value was entered in a field.
Fixed a bug that prevented the ability to delete templates.
Fixed a bug that caused the SMS Chat Report tab Total SMS Chats to display information on all dashboards across an account. It now only displays information for the dashboard the user is currently on.
Fixed an issue with Autoresponder not acknowledging and switching for daylight savings time.
Fixed a bug that removed the grace period for a declined credit card. The intended grace period of 3 days has been reinstated.
Fixed a bug causing an error message to appear when an account is purchased.
Fixed a bug causing an error message to appear when certain webhooks are deleted.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.10.1
Released 3-5-2025
What’s New?
This was a small release with some behind-the-scenes updates to keep everything running smoothly.
Bug Fixes
No bugs needed fixing this go around.
Further Reading
No major changes, but here's a reminder of some of the features we released recently:
Release v7.10
Released 3-1-2025
What’s New?
Organize Your Templates — We’ve added the ability to organize your message templates into folders. Create, organize, and manage folders and templates on the Templates page. When adding a template to a message, templates remain organized by folder and even include a Recent folder listing a user’s most recently used templates.
New Reviews Tab: Requests Sent — It’s now easier than ever to track which contacts you’ve sent Review Requests to. This page tracks all contacts sent a request, as well as reminders sent, whether or not the contact clicked the link, their sentiment selection, and whether or not they left a public review.
Typeahead in Search — Whether searching through Messages or Contacts, just start typing and the system will provide a list of likely options.
Even More
Updated date and time formatting throughout the application for a more consistent look.
Made minor visual updates to the Account page to account for (ba-dun tss) the addition of the recently added Contacts tab.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a rare bug preventing the use of emojis when composing a message.
When adding a user through the mobile app, there was a button to delete user. This didn’t make sense, so we got rid of it.
Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented contacts from being automatically archived after opting out from receiving messages.
Fixed an issue preventing toast and badge notifications from working in the Google Chrome extension.
Fixed Keywords field under Advanced Search. Certain words would trigger an error message rather than search conversations for those words.
Fixed a visual bug in the mobile app when using the search feature.
Fixed a rare visual bug that caused a list of previously use contact names/numbers to appear outside of the compose message moda.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.9
Released 2-17-2025
What’s New?
New Account Tab — This one is for our administrators out there, we’ve added a new tab to the Account page. You can now designate different administrators to be contacted for specific reasons such as the account’s main contact, billing contact, and technical contact.
Send Attachments without Text — A picture is worth 1,000 words, or at least 160 characters. You can now send messages containing only attachments.
Webhooks: API Generated — Our Webhooks page only listed user-created webhooks. We updated this page to list any webhooks created through the API. To easily differentiate between the two types, a new column in the list will display API or User to keep everything organized.
Even More
Additional small updates to the new mobile compose screen, which should make for an even better user experience.
If a message is tagged, the tag icon in Classic and Condensed views is now green. Hover on the tag icon to see which Message Tags were used in the conversation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a visual bug when composing a reply in a message thread.
Fixed an issue preventing users from using the tab key to interact with different fields in the compose modal. You can once again tab every which way!
Fixed an issue with the keywords field under Advanced Search causing it to return an error under certain circumstances.
Fixed a rare issue that caused the dashboard selector to stop working until the page was refreshed.
Fixed a bug that allowed accounts without the SMS Chat feature to update SMS Chat settings…I’m sure you can see how that would be a problem.
Fixed a bug causing the Send button to disappear if a browser window was made too narrow.
Fixed a visual bug when using Merge Fields in the mobile app.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.8.10
Released 2-7-2025
What’s New?

Mobile Compose Update – Everyone’s favorite feature in Text Request received a visual update. We’ve refined the mobile compose experience and unified the look between “New Message” and “Thread Compose”. The three most frequently used message features are still visible, and tapping the “+” expands the menu to select our other offerings.
Button Updates – While we were teaching Compose Message how to dress for success, we also gave some pointers to our buttons throughout the application.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with review links in templates not populating correctly.
Fixed an issue preventing contacts from being archived when they opt out.
Fixed a rare issue causing the Link Sharing feature to not actually shorten links.
Fixed an issue with the Keywords field in Advanced Search not working as intended.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.8.7
Released 1-17-2025
What’s New?
New Reviews Permissions for CSRs – Users classified as a CSR can now post replies to received reviews. Previously, this feature was locked at Managers and above.
Additional Integrations on Status Page – Our new page has been updated to show the status of all of our integrations.
Bug Fixes
Bandwidth numbers appearing as mobile numbers (and thus unable to be hosted through the UI) have been reclassified. Support no longer needs to host them manually.
Website’s date updated from 2024 to 2025.
Updated 10DLC Use Case form to include fields for users to provide links to their Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
Fixed an issue with Twilio’s LOA auto-filling the wrong information when sending it to someone else to sign.
Fixed a bug preventing stock symbols from appearing for publicly traded brands in 10DLC form.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.8.5
Released 1-7-2025
What’s New?
Text Request’s Status Page – We’ve created a new status page to let you know if Text Request is ever down. Whether it’s a carrier outage or a cyber security company pushing a bad update that’s so catastrophic it grounds flights globally, we’re committed to keeping you as informed as possible. See the new page here.
New Column in SMS Chat Report – We added “Sent From (Location)” as a new column to the CSV downloaded report.
UI Updates – You may notice some minor UI updates as we begin rolling out a slightly improved look. No changes to functionality, just an improved visual experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in 10DLC registration causing a field in the forms to not load properly.
Squashed a bug that prevented the “opted out” filter from functioning correctly (as in, at all) when filtering contacts.
Fixed an issue preventing Keywords from responding if the response contained an attachment.
Squashed a bug causing certain words in Advanced Search to trigger an error message.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.8.2
Released 12-17-2024
What’s New?
With 2024 wrapping up, we have a small release that fixes some annoying bugs and provides some nice quality-of-life benefits to everyone. We’re also laying the groundwork for an exciting 2025!
Bug Fixes
Made adjustments to the plan analysis tool in Account, so it is now tracking and reporting accurately.
Fixed a rare bug that caused the card decline banner to persist even after a new card was entered and payment sent.
Resolved an iOS mobile app bug that caused additional merge fields to replace current merge fields in a message.
Fixed a merge fields bug that caused extra spaces to be added after the merge fields.
For some reason, existing templates did not want emojis added to them. The two parties have reconciled and agreed to coexist again.
Fixed an unexpected and rare error that would pop up after submitting 10DLC registration.
Fixed an alignment for the Autoresponder in the mobile app.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.8
Released 12-5-2024
What’s New?
New and Improved Autoresponder — While others were preparing for the holidays, Autoresponder was preparing for its makeover. Along with improved UI and functionality, you can now set your office hours, select your time zone, and apply a cooldown timer to autoresponses. Keeping your contacts updated while you’re away has never been easier!
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error message when deleting an autoresponse.
Fixed name validation in Autoresponder so no two autoresponses can have the same name.
Squashed a bug that created an awkward interaction between Location Request and Autoresponder.
Fixed an iOS app issue with adding multiple merge fields to a message.
Fixed an issue causing the incorrect user initials to display when another user was typing in a conversation.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.7.6
Released 11-22-2024
What’s New?
Nothing major in this release, but we did make a number of quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that showed conversations resolved by other users as unresolved.
Merge Fields got lost and found themselves in Group Messages for a little bit. We sent them back home…for now.
Fixed an issue that caused conversations to resolve on send even when the option was toggled off.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.7.5
Released 11-4-2024
What’s New?
Favorite Dashboards — Quickly access your most visited dashboards by favoriting them. Favorited dashboards are marked with a star and remain at the top of the dashboard selector. Favorited dashboards automatically sync between desktop and mobile applications, keeping everything the same no matter where you access Text Request from.
User Details in Merge Fields — Merge Fields for contact information are great, but what about user information? Merge fields can now automatically add user information to your messages based on your user profile. The currently available fields include user first name, last name, and email address.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused a message field to show an extra attachment when uploading images.
Fixed a visual bug in Payments that caused the % to appear before the number.
Fixed a notification bug with the iOS mobile app that was causing notifications to persist even after being cleared.
Fixed a broken link in the Integrations page when upgrading your plan.
Updated an error message for PDFs that more clearly defines the problem.
Fixed a bug causing the Link Tracker feature to open randomly, in a sort of haunted way.
Fixed a mobile app bug that caused dashboards with long names to block certain content.
Fixed a broken link in the update payment banner.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.6.8
Released 10-3-2024
What’s New?
This release is all about pest control. We fixed some annoying bugs and made adjustments to keep everything running smoothly.
Bug Fixes
Chrome users, spellcheck is back from its unexpected vacation.
Fixed a mobile app issue that prevented adding more than one merge field to a message.
Exterminated a bug that prevented adding users in the mobile app.
Fixed a minor alignment issue when sending attachments in the mobile app.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.6.5
Released 9-20-2024
What’s New?
New Fields for SMS Chat Report — The SMS Chat Report now lists additional data. If you have enabled custom fields, you will see Custom Field 1, Custom Field 2, and columns indicating whether or not they have been designated as required for the user to complete.
Contact Tags Maintained — A new section on the Conversations page of Profile & Preferences allows you to select the Contact Tags you want to filter the selected dashboard by. Your selections will remain active until you choose to delete them or deactivate the filter.
Even More
Made slight adjustments to the alignment of items, making for a better visual experience.
Updated Franconnect integration to align with information Franconnect provides when setting up the integration.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a visual bug in accounts that caused information to appear if the screen size was adjusted.
Fixed an issue with notifications not displaying for certain actions.
Fixed a bug preventing notifications from appearing in the desktop app.
Fixed a visual bug on the Account page when using a small window.
Squashed a bug in Groups that reversed the listed order when using mass actions.
Fixed a minor spacing issue in the iOS app.
Fixed a bug where the convenience fee for payments would not be applied to certain contacts.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.6.3
Released 8-27-2024
What’s New?
Account UI Refresh — Our Account screen received a makeover, resulting in easier navigation and better organization. If you’re a fan of our easy-to-use Profile & Preferences screen, you’ll love this!
Updated SMS Chat Report — The SMS Chat Report has been updated to reflect additional information. This includes separating data by dashboard, custom field information, and the dashboard the message was routed to if applicable.
Resolved Message Information — Hovering over the resolved toggle or checkbox for a conversation now shows the time and user email of the person who resolved it.
Even More
Added Single Sign-on as an account add-on for $250/month.
Link Sharing is now available for P2P campaigns.
Minor spacing adjustments on the mobile app to make for a better experience.
Updated the copy in the account change modal for better clarity and user experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in the mobile app that occasionally prevented the navigation menu from closing.
Fixed a visual bug that made it hard to see a message’s status in a conversation if the contact opted out.
Fixed a bug that occasionally reported incorrect data for completed P2P Campaigns.
Fixed an issue with Payments where the convenience fee was not automatically added.
Fixed an issue that made it possible to accidentally duplicate a new dashboard when setting it up.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.5.5
Released 8-02-2024
What’s New?
No major items to report but we squashed some pesky bugs and updated a few things under the hood to keep the engine running smoothly.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with selecting a state when signing an LOA
Rejected 10DLC campaigns that are corrected are now marked as Complete
Fixed an issue with some 10DLC campaign registrations not advancing correctly
Fixed an issue where text-only numbers would not show for new accounts on set up
Fixed an issue in FireFox where imported contacts would display outside of the container
Group message display is now updating when switching dashboards
Release v7.5.4
Released 7-23-2024
What’s New?
New Convenience Fee Option for Payments — In addition to a fixed fee, users can now select a convenience fee that represents a percentage of the amount being billed. Find this in Payment Settings.
Even More
Managers can now see account usage totals in the Usage Report.
The Clio Merge Field "Subject" is updated to "Title" to match Clio.
We've updated the copy for an error message that appears when sending a text message to an invalid phone number through the API.
Several small UI updates throughout to enhance the user experience of Text Request.
Updated the template for Email Notifications.
Small edits to our onboarding process.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an empty screen that displayed on mobile devices for a number with not completed 10DLC
Fixed an overlapping visual bug with notification banners in the iOS app.
Fixed incorrect toast notifications being received within the desktop app.
Fixed usage report discrepancies when using custom dates.
Contacts are now properly archived when they opt out.
Fixed inaccurate message counts displayed in Group Messages.
We now trim the autoresponse message before validation.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.5
Released 7-9-2024
What’s New?
New Onboarding Flow — We’ve improved our onboarding process for all future users. It’s now a smoother transition from plan purchase to texting contacts. Number hosting and 10DLC registration can be completed from the same screen and users can sign up for text notifications to keep them know when their hosting has completed. 10DLC Registration Improvements — We made several small, but noticeable changes to the 10DLC registration process. It should be easier to understand various requirements and complete registration while minimizing the chance of rejection.
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue with some users being unable to mark a payment as paid.
Closed a loophole that allowed users to text through a contact card before their 10DLC registration was approved.
The Add Dashboard button took a short, but unanticipated vacation. He has since returned and is back to work.
Tracked and squished a rare bug that prevented account setup for new numbers.
Fixed a bug that caused the iOS app to display a blank screen on open.
Fixed an issue with multi-factor authentication (MFA) so MFA status now updates automatically rather than requiring a new log in attempt.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.4.1
Released 6-10-2024
What's New?
Drag & Drop Attachments — You can now add attachments to messages directly by dragging and dropping them into the message field. We’ve also added a new hover state as a reminder for attachment parameters; such as maximum number, file type, and maximum file size.
Even More
We’ve made numerous changes to Review Analytics on the mobile app to better fit and respond to the mobile experience.
We made a visual fix to copy within chips in group messages.
HIPAA status is now maintained when changing your plan.
Bug Fixes
Squashed a bug that caused automated Text Request emails to occasionally appear blank.
Fixed a discrepancy issue in Usage Reports.
Fixed several issues in the iOS app, so crashes should be a thing of the past.
Link shortener in P2P is displaying accurate character counts again.
Fixed an issue in P2P where selecting all active contacts for a new campaign would result in zero contacts for that campaign.
Resolved a mobile app error that prevented you from continuing your message after adding a merge field.
Fixed an issue with the update duplicate contacts option during contact import. Custom fields should no longer be removed.
Resolved an error state when submitting 10DLC applications.
Resolved an error state when running a Usage Report.
Here’s an interesting one, emojis were sometimes added to messages in the wrong order. We set them straight.
Fixed a problem with selected emojis not appearing for P2P campaigns.
Fixed an issue where automated thank you messages for Reviews weren’t sending from certain dashboards.
Fixed an issue with contacts who replied STOP to opt out of messages weren’t consistently being archived and removed from the conversation queue.
Tracked down a sending bug for group messages that only impacted certain accounts.
Squashed a bug in the iOS app that prevented adding a photo to a message from the library.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.3.6
Released 5-20-2024
What’s New?
Downloadable Users List – If you like spreadsheets, you’ll love this. Administrators can now download complete lists of user information as a CSV file. All information found on the Users page is listed in the CSV file. Additionally, the edit and delete buttons received an update to better match similar elements throughout the application. Hooray for consistency!
Even More
Fixed some grammar in the contact information modal.
The click rate analytic for a group message now displays up to the hundredths place.
The compose box in thread view still looked like our old message bubble, so we completed the makeover.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where adding a space at the end of a link using Link Shortening would disrupt Group Messaging.
Fixed a bug where contacts selecting Facebook as a review option would not be directed to the company’s Facebook page.
Usernames can now be highlighted at login if you need to make edits.
Using Link Sharing in a Group Message confused the character counter. After the counter attended some professional development, it’s accurate again.
Deleting a dashboard should automatically make the phone number available for others to use. This process wasn’t always triggering, but now it is.
Fixed an issue where delivered messages would sometimes maintain the sending icon in conversations.
Fixed a bug where excessively long signatures broke the signature box, preventing deletion.
Addressed a rare occurrence of an error state when trying to send an LOA to another individual during account setup.
Resolved some field recognition issues between Mindbody and the Text Request Chrome extension.
Fixed an issue with mass actions not responding on the Contacts page.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.3.3
Released 4-29-2024
What’s New?
No major items to report but we managed to squash some pesky bugs and update a few features while we continue working on some interesting updates for the future.
The FranConnect integration is automatically set to the disconnected state when the refresh token expires.
Added a tooltip label to links clicked for individual messages.
Adjusted the reaction speed of the search bar in the mobile app to make for a quicker, smoother experience.
Bug Fixes
Under certain conditions, signatures would appear on messages even though they weren’t added.
Users of all levels can now edit Scheduled Group Messages, as originally intended.
Fixed a few spacing issues on the mobile app.
Exterminated a bug that made it difficult for delinquent accounts to update their credit card information.
If certain parameters were met, the process of adding a new dashboard would fail unexpectedly. Now it passes expectedly.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.3
Released 4-5-2024
What’s New?

SMS Chat Glow Up — In addition to a lovely UI update, you can now enable message routing. List multiple dashboards in the SMS Chat widget, allowing visitors to select which dashboard they want their SMS message to go to. This is great if you have multiple locations or want different visitors sent to different dashboards.
Editing Scheduled Messages — Need to make a change? Notice a minor spelling error? You can now edit both individual and group messages before the scheduled send time. A scheduled message will now have a pencil icon to edit, allowing you to edit the message, attachments, scheduled time, or recipients before it goes out.
Dashboards & Users Update — Be gone infinite lists! The Dashboards and Users pages now include search and pagination organization. This will make it easier to find specific dashboards or users while keeping things neat and organized.
Even More
You can now search for numbers using + before the number.
For security reasons, you will have to contact our lovely Support team to add dashboards beyond 10.
The Pipedrive integration can now pull all Pipedrive contacts into Text Request, and Pipedrive’s Conversation Sync will now post notes to both Contacts and the first deal associated with a contact. Delete and reconnect the integration to receive these updates.
Bug Fixes
Filtering by star rating in Reviews is working again.
Reworded some toast notifications for better clarity.
Message queue search went rogue, so we brought it back.
Receive notifications for selected dashboards and iOS weren’t getting along, but they’ve since made up.
In rare cases, metrics for Usage Reports weren’t displaying correctly. This has been fixed.
Fixed a bug with Reviews Analytics when viewing YTD.
Removed a red dot that only appeared in the iOS app after a link was entered in the compose field.
Fixed a Reviews bug on iOS.
Resolved an error when switching pages within Reviews Analytics.
Link shortening in Link Sharing was not reporting the correct number of characters in a message.
The New Dashboard button occasionally got stuck, so we unstuck it.
The default reminder message for reviews occasionally disappeared. It won’t do that anymore.
We brokered a deal between Firefox and Merge Fields to work together again.
Our iOS app didn’t include linebreaks in messages. It’s now more inclusive and linebreaks show up when you want them.
Fixed an issue with the message preview not updating.
Inserting a link in the middle of a message no longer has a chance of erasing the message.
Inserting a link will no longer combine the next word and link string together.
In rare instances, the Group Message confirmation screen would show a blank message field. This has been fixed.
Error message with Location Requests was preventing users from fixing the issue and continuing.
Turning the SMS Chat prefill message off wasn’t saving when publishing changes.
Resolved issues with uploading files during P2P campaign creation.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.2.4
Released 3-19-2024
What’s New?
We squashed a few bugs and started laying the plans for exciting new features.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with inbound messages not appearing in the message queue.
HIPAA accounts occasionally experienced failure when ordering hosted numbers, but they hit the books and everyone is passing now.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.2.1
Released 3-1-2024
What’s New?
We addressed some bugs that were bothering users.
Bug Fixes
Link Tracking for Group Messages was not reporting accurate metrics.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.2.0
Released 2-27-2024
What’s New?
Multi-Factor Authentication — Secure your account with an added layer of protection using multi-factor authentication. All users utilizing MFA are required to provide a phone number and receive a random, six-digit security code when logging in. An account administrator can activate this feature in the Account page, making MFA required for all users. Individual users can also manually activate this feature from their Profile & Preferences under the new Security tab.
Link Sharing — You can now send clickable links in your messages. Links can be included in individual or Group Messages. Group Message Analytics received a new field called Link Tracking that will provide information about how contacts interact with the shared URL.
Even More
Messages with multiple attachments will now be downsized automatically if they exceed the maximum 2MB for images.
We streamlined the recipient experience for leaving a review. If there is only one review platform enabled, recipients are brought directly to that platform after selecting a positive experience.
Messages will now resolve on send when using the API.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem with adding contact tags to existing contacts.
Removed a rare issue with outbound message logs.
Fixed an issue with the Autoresponder occasionally sending sooner than the cooldown period.
Forgot password link when logging in is no longer encountering an error.
Fixed an issue with a Keywords error message displaying incorrectly.
Squashed a bug when adding new groups.
It was possible to create blank Autoresponders and Keywords, so we made that impossible again.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.1.2
Released 1-30-2024
What’s New?
We've made some small but important bug fixes and internal updates to keep things running smoothly.
Bug Fixes
Remedied an issue with the Zipwhip Migration Tool not importing conversation history.
Exporting a Group Contact list would occasionally result in a blank file.
It was possible to create a Keyword with a space. This shouldn't have been possible, so now it's not.
Fixed a rare issue with Group Messages stopping in the middle of sending.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.1.0
Released 1-22-2024
What’s New?
We're easing into the new year with some bug fixes and internal updates while we prepare some exciting features coming soon.
Bug Fixes
Applied some routine security updates to keep everyone safe.
In rare cases, you could not mark payments as paid.
Certain payment requests weren’t appearing in Payments.
Updated the language of select error notifications.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v7.0
Released 12-26-2023
What’s New?
Nothing major to report, but this update lays the foundation for some exciting new features and updates coming in 2024.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with deleting contacts who don’t have a message history.
We found an occasional error when deleting a custom field, so we brought it home and fixed it up.
If you had the contact sidebar enabled, new values wouldn’t appear when you edited them until you refreshed the page. The values now appear immediately.
Fixed an issue with disappearing merge fields.
Terminated a niche cursor appearance error. All cursors appear as intended.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.67.2
Released 12-18-2023
What’s New?
Password Expansion — We’ve updated our password rules to detect asterisks (*) and underscores (_) as valid symbols when creating or changing your password.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with validating Canadian business numbers for 10DLC registration.
Took care of a 10DLC registration problem with HIPAA accounts.
Minor updates and improvements to the look of Payments when disabled on a dashboard.
Scheduled messages using signatures were not displaying accurate character counts.
Squashed a bug when requesting a new payment. All payments are requestable again.
Usage Reports occasionally produced inconsistencies within the data. We popped it open, rewired some things, tightened a few bolts, and everything is back to normal.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.67.1
Released 11-09-2023
What’s New?
Nothing major to announce in this one, but we have more exciting announcements lined up before the end of the year.
Bug Fixes
Messages were not resolving when using the API, but are properly resolving now.
Resolved a problem between scheduled messages and automatic signatures, where the scheduled message wouldn’t send if the signature was deleted.
Fixed an issue when deleting a dashboard. The system would sometimes display the dashboard you were currently on, rather than the one you were deleting.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.66
Released 10-31-2023

What’s New?
Dashboards UI Update — Dashboards received a bit of a makeover, keeping that section up to date with the rest of Text Request. Similar to Templates and Autoresponder, we now have an interactable chart with sortable columns. In addition to viewing the names and numbers of each dashboard, you can now view when the dashboard was created, as well as take actions such as edit, delete, or move them.
Webhooks — The webhooks section of our API integration received an update, bringing it more in line with updated sections such as Keywords, Templates, and others. This also makes creating new webhooks a bit more user-friendly.
Reviews List CSV Dashboard Update — New categories and data were added to the Reviews List CSV file you can download. New categories include Review Name, Phone Number, and Campaign ID Number among several others.
Even More
The keyword “optin” is now an option in Keywords Report. This keyword doesn’t appear in the edit keywords section. It cannot be deleted.
We updated our checkboxes and radio buttons throughout the application to give a more consistent experience.
Bug Fixes
An incorrect error message would show up unexpectedly when making changes to a dashboard. He’s since been asked not to return.
Fixed an issue with group messages occasionally appearing as unresolved in the queue.
An error no longer appears when creating additional webhooks.
Fixed an issue with sound notifications when using the Chrome browser.
Hunted down and remedied an exceedingly rare issue with messages disappearing from a conversation.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release Notes
Release v6.65
Released 10-6-2023
What’s New?
This release is mostly some housekeeping, bug squashing, and various other tune-ups, but we have plenty of exciting updates coming soon!
Bug Fixes
The persistent contact bar in the new profile & preferences was having some issues. We worked through them and deployed as a hotfix before this release.
Fixed an issue with contacts who had too many group tags breaking the box.
Resolved a minor issue with paid payment requests not being automatically marked as paid.
There was a rare instance in the mobile app where the correct page wasn't highlighted when selected. That rare instance is now an impossible instance.
Contact Tag mass actions were not applying, but they are now.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.64
Released 9-14-2023
What’s New?

Profile & Preferences — We've given the user profile a serious makeover. Along with customizable notifications, we’ve added sections for profile settings and conversation preferences. Additionally, you may notice something missing from the navigation bar. You can now log out through the profile and preferences modal.
API Page Update — Our API integration received a bit of a facelift. Admins can now easily generate a new API Key while enjoying the refreshed look and copy of the integration.
Integration View — CSR and Manager-level users can now see the Integrations page. While these users are unable to set up or edit any of the various integrations, they can easily access the help documentation for each to learn more.
Even More
Connected Google platforms now display location information, allowing for clearer distinction for businesses with multiple locations.
The Champions Club logo received a small update.
Our mobile app received some minor updates across the board to make everything a bit more uniform. Several transitions are also smoother and snappier for a better overall experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error when deleting the logo in Reviews Settings.
Leaderboards were displaying a frowny face when there was no data, that shouldn’t have been happening so now it’s not.
We gave outbound messaging a bit of a tune-up, so it should be faster now.
We’re not naming names but certain report types (Keywords and Users) caused the Reports option in the nav bar to no longer be selected. This has been fixed.
Fixed a bug that would pop open the contact information rather than the message queue.
When filtering and exporting reviews, the system would occasionally miss a few in the exported list. That is no longer an issue.
Adding a Review link to the end of the message was being flagged as spam. The end of the message now contains the link followed by the word “Thanks!”
In rare cases, review campaigns couldn’t be deleted. Now you can delete any campaign whenever you want.
Advanced search occasionally broke, but we gave it the help it needed and now it’s doing great.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.63.1
Released 8-21-2023
What’s New?

10DLC Updates — We made a number of improvements to the 10DLC registration process to help make things run a bit more smoothly. This includes allowing you to upload PDFs if selecting the form opt-in option, links to additional help documentation, and various small adjustments to help add clarity to this process.
Facebook Location Selector — When connecting Google as a platform to Reviews, you are able to select a specific location if your business has multiple. You now have the same option when connecting Facebook!
Bug Fixes
Created an error message for unverified Google locations in Reviews.
Addressed small data display issues with exporting Users Reports.
Minor tweaks to Reviews exports to keep everything running smoothly.
The number of Reviews in multiple areas occasionally didn’t line up, now they consistently do.
Total number of reviews is now accurate according to the filters you’ve applied.
The edit button for colors when setting up the SMS Chat widget was on vacation, but he’s since been put back to work.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.63
Released 7-26-2023
What’s New?

New Review Notification — Never miss a review! When a new review comes in that has not been read yet, the star icon in the navigation menu for Reviews will now turn green and pulse until that new review is expanded. Additionally, new reviews in the Reviews List will be bold until expanded.
New Review Tags — We’re offering two new tags to utilize in the Reviews List. The Flag tag can be used to mark something of importance, while the Spam tag can be used for (you guessed it) marking suspected spam or other unwanted reviews. Both tags must be manually applied.
Keywords & Reviews — The Reviews star icon now appears when creating or editing a Keyword. You no longer need to use [review:#] in the message.
Even More
You can utilize Text Request’s API to list all of your campaigns with all relevant information including campaign IDs and retrieve reviews submitted.
Review Campaigns must now have unique names. This prevents confusion if you accidentally name two campaigns the same.
The pricing page of our website has been updated to reflect the ability to add features to any plan.
Google My Business locations in Reviews are now easier to tell apart and select.
Bug Fixes
When archiving a Review Campaign that was used in a Keyword, that Keyword would be altered once the campaign was archived. This has been fixed and Keywords and Reviews should now play nicely together.
Cancellation emails had a minor issue with not updating the date in the actual email, that’s been fixed.
Excessively long reviews would occasionally hide the buttons to reply, so now they don’t.
Fixed inaccurate metrics when exporting the Reviews List.
Search in Reviews was not returning desired results. Results are now accurate.
The “...” more button was missing from the mobile app in Reviews. We found it.
Our suggested default messages for Thank You and Reminder are now appearing the way they were supposed to.
Fixed a bug with the graphs in Reviews Analytics. Everything is displaying properly now.
Calculation issues in Reviews Analytics Leaderboards have been fixed.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.62
Released 6-16-2023
What’s New?

Group Message & Templates Review Icon — You can now add Review Requests to Group Messages and Templates just like a regular individual message. You no longer need to use [review:#] in the message.
Every Feature, Every Plan — You can now add any feature to any plan. This includes: Keywords, Location Requests, and Scheduled Messages. New accounts will see these options when selecting additional features during purchase, while existing accounts can add these features through the Account screen in Text Request.
Even More
You can now see the name of the campaign a request is associated with when hovering over the requested tag in the Reviews List.
Campaigns without any public platforms connected received a slightly updated, streamlined process for the contact that allows them to more easily leave private feedback.
When viewing the details of a Review Campaign, selecting the Analytics button brings you to a graph with the applicable filters already applied for that campaign.
Bug Fixes
When filtering by Needs Reply in Review List, anonymous feedback entries were appearing. These entries can’t be replied to, so they’ll no longer appear when filtering by Needs Reply.
The total number of entries in a Usage Report wasn’t calculating correctly. Now it is.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.61
Released 5-30-2023
What’s New?

Reviews — Brace yourself, this is a big one! We’re excited to announce the release of our new Reviews feature. Request, manage, and track customer reviews of your business all from the comfort of your Text Request Dashboard. Connect platforms such as Facebook and Google My Business to get the word out about your company, increase interaction, and drive sales. The Reviews feature is available for every plan as an add-on for $100/month or $50/month for existing accounts for a limited time.
Review Analytics — Reviews are obviously fantastic, but we went a step further and included our Analytics feature to go with it. In addition to requesting and managing your reviews, you can now track the progress of your review campaigns. This includes the number of new reviews, your average score, and so much more. Review Analytics is included with the Reviews add-on at no additional cost.
P2P Templates & Merge Fields — When creating a new Peer to Peer campaign, you can now add Templates with Merge Fields.
Bug Fixes
The character counter for our mobile app occasionally wouldn’t reset correctly, so we made it consistently reset correctly.
Fixed an error with requesting an old Payment reminder resulting in an error message.
It was possible to send the same message multiple times if you rapidly clicked send. This is no longer possible.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.60
Released 3-27-2023
What’s New?
Microsoft Dynamics Integration — We’ve integrated with Microsoft Dynamics, which means Contact Sync and Conversation Sync are available with your Text Request account. Keep the conversation going with your Microsoft Leads contacts from the comfort of your Text Request dashboard.
Keyword Changes — Worried your new Keyword subscriber won’t love the message they receive after texting in? Your worries are over because now you can create Keywords without an automated response contacts receive when texting in. You can still include the subscription confirmation message if you want, so they at least get something.
Even More
It is now possible to zoom in when viewing attachments.
If you’re a tablet user, try tilting your tablet to the side to check out our new landscape mode.
Finally, you’ll notice some minor updates to the navigation bar that include open and close arrow icons for Messages and Settings. This shows that there are sub-menus in those categories.
Bug Fixes
There was a small issue with the combined and condensed view options not updating properly after composing a new message. That has been fixed and all view types are running smoothly.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.59.1
Released 1-23-2023
What’s New?
Starting the New Year off on the right foot, we cleaned up some bugs, tuned a few systems, and adjusted bits of copy throughout the application. Hard to believe, but Text Request is better and easier to use than ever. Check below for specifics.
Bug Fixes
Took care of a bug when purchasing a plan that sent multiple purchase requests.
Occasionally using the @ sign generated unwanted dropdown menus, but now it doesn’t.
Cleaned up the phone number selection screen when signing up with a provisioned number.
Several other minor tweaks and adjustments to keep everything running smoothly.
Further Reading
Release v6.59
Released 1-11-2023
What’s New?

FranConnect —The FranConnect integration has received an upgrade! Contact Sync and Lead Texting are now part of the integration. Sync leads contacts from FranConnect with your Text Request contacts and text them directly from your dashboard.
Bug Fixes
We’ve resolved a small issue with line breaks when composing messages in the mobile app.
Minor tweaks and adjustments to keep everything running smoothly.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.58
Released 11-29-2022
What’s New?

Keywords Reports —Introducing a new report type for Text Request! A Keywords Report keeps track of all the data related to your Keywords. You can view information about all of your keywords or select individual keywords to view specific details about them. This includes details about how often a selected keyword is texted in and the number of unique contacts using your keywords. All of this information is displayed in some snazzy graphs for your data-crunching needs.
Keywords UI Update — While creating our new report, we realized Keywords could also use a bit of a facelift. We went ahead and added attachments and location requests as optional features to the keyword response message. The look has been updated to the familiar, easy-to-use look of your other favorite settings like Templates.
Message Thread Update — You might notice a few changes to our message threads. We’ve made them more compact to focus on the most essential part of your day-to-day needs, sending and receiving text messages. No features or options were harmed in the making of this update.
Bug Fixes
Texting “Yes” is no longer an opt-in keyword unless the contact has previously opted out and is trying to get back in.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.57
Released 11-3-2022
What’s New?

Zipwhip Migration CSV Support — Former Zipwhippers, we have some good news for you! If you’ve already closed your Zipwhip account and are ready for greener pastures, our migration tool now allows you to transfer all your data through CSV files.
Character Counter Messages — For our novelist-level texters out there, the character counter now gives clear messages when you’re close to, or have exceeded, the maximum character count of 1600.
Draft Messages — When you click away from a message before sending it, the message is now saved as a draft and patiently waits for you to return. When you’re ready, you can come back to the conversation or compose message modal to decide its fate.
Even More:
When exporting contacts, you’ll be given a list of detail options to choose from that you want to be included or excluded from the downloaded file.
Downloaded payments reports display reference numbers used for any payments.
Bug Fixes
When signing up, some users were experiencing issues with having someone other than the person creating the account sign the LOA agreement. That has been fixed and the process is running smoothly again.
Safari and Firefox refused to display our invoice notifications. We’ve since come to an understanding and they’ll be showing up again.
Some users were unable to take photos with the mobile app. We did some remodeling in the attachments area and you're free to snap away.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release Notes
Release v6.56
Released 10-18-2022
What’s New?

Mass Actions — We’re making managing your contacts even easier than before! In addition to the various mass actions you’ve come to know and love, you can now mass unarchive, suppress and unsupress, and even remove multiple contacts from groups or contact tags with just a few clicks.
Bug Fixes
Minor tweaks and adjustments to keep everything running smoothly.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release Notes
Release v6.55
Released 9-28-2022
What’s New?

Users Report — We’re excited to introduce a new report type that allows you to keep track of the number of messages sent based on individual users or entire dashboards. This makes it even easier to not only keep track of your monthly texts but also track useful information like delivery rate and the number of unique conversations across dashboards.
Scheduled Payment Requests — We’ve also given Payments an upgrade by adding a new section that keeps track of payment requests scheduled for the future. Now you don’t have to sift through your entire payments history to see if you actually scheduled that request or just told yourself you did.
Bug Fixes
Images originally had to be capped at 1024kB in size, but we love files of all sizes and now allow all images by automatically scaling them down to 1MB.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.54
Released 9-5-2022
What’s New?
Zipwhip Migration Improvements — A warm welcome to all of our former Zipwhip users! We’re making the process even easier by improving our Zipwhip Migration Tool with a cleaner look and handy status tracker so that you can stay up to date on your journey to Text Request.
Bug Fixes
The Contact Sidebar no longer truncates Custom Fields, allowing you to view them in their entirety.
Templates previously maxed out at 1020 characters, but for their good behavior, they have been rewarded with an allowance of 1600 characters.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.53
Released 8-4-2022
What’s New?
Merge Fields Released — Coming to a Text Request dashboard you use, Merge Fields! You can now auto-fill your messages and templates with personalized information from a contact’s details. This includes information such as a contact’s name, address, and so much more.
Updated Templates — To coincide with the release of Merge Fields, you can now use them in Templates as well. While we were upgrading Templates, we also gave them an updated look and feel. Check it out!
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.52
Released 7-25-2022
What’s New?
Automated Number Hosting — The onboarding process practiced self-care and is now slimmer, faster, and more enjoyable to interact with. Numbers are now hosted automatically with very little wait time.
Contact Stats Beta — Contact Stats have been released from Beta testing and are now free to join Text Request as an officially launched feature.
Angi Integration — A new player has joined the Text Request team! Now you can automatically text new leads from Angi and manage all of your conversations in Text Request.
Bug Fixes
Group message’s ‘Next’ button wasn’t playing well with the mobile app. They’ve since made amends.
Delivery issues with the iOS mobile app have been remedied.
PDFs weren’t attaching in the mobile app, but a little super glue and gumption fixed that.
If you had a ‘+’ in your password and wanted to change it, you were out of luck. Now you’re in luck.
Further Reading
Need help navigating some of these changes? Visit our Help Center, specifically the following pages:
Release v6.51
Released 6-26-2022
New Features
Login report. Administrators can now see a listing of successful and failed logins. The login report includes the username, timestamp, IP address, user agent, and whether the login attempt was successful.
Payments report. See a listing of all payment requests for a given date range.
Updated reports page. We've refreshed the look and feel of our reports page.
Contact tag custom colors. You can now define custom colors for your contact tags. These colors appear as dots on conversations shown in the Queue.
Contact tag tooltips. In the queue, we now show a tooltip when you hover over contact tags. This allows you to see which tags are applied to a contact without having to open the contact details dialog.
Attachments are now even prettier. We've improved the way attachments are shown in the queue, the thread, and also when composing a new message.
API v3. The long-awaited API v3 is now live.
Release v6.50
Released 6-5-2022
New Features
PDF Attachments. You can now send and receive PDF attachments.
HIPAA MMS. HIPAA accounts can now send and receive MMS messages.
Redact messages. Account administrators can now redact sensitive messages. This is useful in case one of your customers inadvertently texts in sensitive PII such as credit card numbers or SSNs.
Release v6.49
Released 5-23-2022
New Features
Compose message attachment limits enforced. Depending on the dashboard and account type, attachment limits varied. This caused some confusion with users since sending a message might fail depending on the underlying aggregator, Text Request account type, and attachment types. We now show error messages and tooltips informing users of what can and cannot be sent in a message.
Release v6.48
Released 4-24-2022
New Features
P2P v2 released. We've made internal improvements to handle any campaign size, and any number of simultaneous campaigns.
Reset password page updated. Previously, the Reset Password page used our old look and feel. Now it matches the main www site look and feel.
Webhook scalability improvements. We're now more efficient in handling webhook calls.
Release v6.47
Released 4-10-2022
New Features
Merge chips in selected integrations for merge messaging. We now have merge chips on Clio, MindBody, SharpSpring, Square, and Votebuilder integrations for merge messages.
The version number is now on the menu of iOS and Android apps.
Contact details sidebar in thread. We now have contact details as a sidebar in the thread.
Discount codes reflected on account screen. The discount for any discount code is now represented on the /accounts screen.
Data retention policy is enforced. Sixty days after an account or a dashboard is deleted, we will remove all contacts and messages for those deleted dashboards.
SMS Chat improvement. We’ve increased the SMS Chat prompt display text limit.
SMS Chat setup: character counter for SMS prompt. We've added a character counter to SMS prompt display text and form header text for the SMS Chat setup screen.
P2P Compose: new look and feel. We've updated the P2P compose to match the look and feel of individual and group compose.
Helpscout integration. The Helpscout integration is now live.
Bug Fixes
Classic queue view: page size is preserved. On the Classic Queue view, if you change the default page size, the system will now remember the page size you selected.
Release v6.46
Released 3-9-2022
New Features
Copy and paste MMS attachments. For the compose, thread compose, group compose, and P2P compose dialogs, you can paste an image into the compose text area.
HIPAA auto-logout after 30 minutes. If a user within a HIPAA account is inactive for 30 minutes or more, they will be automatically logged out on the next interaction.
Classic queue upgrade. The queue tiles will now stretch the width of the queue content area.
Authvia link improvements. We are now appending “https://” to all Authvia links to reduce carrier spam scores and improve deliverability.
Release v6.45
Released 1-20-2022
New Features
Message throttling improvements. Text Request has honored throttling rates for 10DLC and non-10DLC traffic. There were edge cases where long messages were still overrunning carrier allotted throughput. This has been corrected.
P2P Create Campaign Dialog. When creating a P2P campaign, it was possible to click outside of the dialog and accidentally close the dialog. Now, you must explicitly exit the dialog to cancel the creation of a new P2P campaign.
Bug Fixes
Group listing - broken link. If you visited the groups page and had no groups, you'd be shown a link to create your first group. Clicking on the link did nothing. Now it opens the Create Group dialog.