Magnolia Dreams


The Zapier integration gives us the power to automatically send a coupon to any customers who use our SMS Chat widget.

Use Case
Lead Generation
Our target customers are Millennial and Gen Z brides who prefer texting over email.


We didn’t want the messages to our brides getting lost in spam.

Magnolia Dreams is a custom wedding decor and signage business. Our target customers are Millennial and Gen Z brides, who tend to be busy planning their weddings in between their day jobs.

We noticed we had a lot of customer interactions that could have been quicker if they were handled over text—especially the ones that were taking place over email. Text Request stood out as a trusted, local business that could give us the tools to text professionally.



We added Text Request’s SMS Chat widget to our website to attract new customers.

We’ve moved the bulk of our customer communications over to text, and are no longer having trouble with emails getting lost in spam. I also added Text Request’s SMS Chat to our website, which is a widget that customers can use to start text conversations with us.

It was easy to set up an integration with Zapier that automatically sends potential customers a discount coupon whenever they use our SMS Chat. SMS Chat also makes it easy to save the potential customer’s details and wedding dates, so we can follow up with them later.

I’ll regularly send mass texts with flash sales as part of our follow up with leads. For the brides who filled out a form and showed interest, but weren’t quite ready to purchase, that quick tap can convert them, especially when it includes a picture of the signage we offer.

caroline nelson of magnolia dreams for text request
We’ve seen a 50% increase in website sales since we added Text Request’s SMS Chat to our website.”
Caroline Nelson, Co-owner
Magnolia Dreams


Text Request has become a valuable part of our customer acquisition strategy.

The SMS Chat widget fits right in on our website, especially since we can customize its colors to match our brand. We’ve already seen a 50% increase in website sales since we added it!

The widget’s custom fields also make it easy to organize our customers by their wedding date, so we can keep track of when each one has passed. All of this makes targeting and follow-ups a breeze.


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