Use Message Tags Assign Contact Tags Put Leads into Groups

SMS for Sales: Organize Sales Conversations

Texting is part of any successful sales process. Here are three SMS tools to keep your sales team’s ducks in a row.


1. Use Message Tags

Each type of conversation can have its own Message Tag. 

Want to know whether a text is actually from a new lead, as opposed to a referral or a customer with support problems? Message Tags give your sales reps an easy way to mark conversations as such.

You can then use these same Message Tags to generate reports to document the types of conversations your team is consistently having. 

2. Assign Contact Tags

Your sales team will always know who a contact belongs to.

Contact Tags give you the power to group and identify contacts based on the tags you create. Each sales rep can get their own custom color, so it only takes one quick glance at a Contact Tag to know who the lead has been handed off to. 

Everyone will know which conversations are being handled, and which still need a rep assigned to them. Contact Tags can similarly be used to mark which part of the sales funnel the contact is in, or if they’re someone who requires special attention from the entire team.


3. Put Leads into Groups

Segment leads into groups based on interest, buyer stage, and more.

You can make groups for:

  • Hot leads

  • Cold leads

  • Upsell candidates

  • Information qualified leads

  • Marketing qualified leads

This is helpful not only for identification, but also for when you need to message your groups for something specific.   For example, if you have a new service drop, you’d have all your upsell candidates ready in one place to share the news with.  You’d also be able to consistently ping all your cold leads at once with monthly nudges.

Want to dive deeper? Check out our guide, 7 Steps to Closing More Sales with Business Text Messaging.

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