Give Sales Its Own Line Assign Reps to Contacts Nail the Timing

SMS for Sales: Set Your Team Up for Success

Your reps are on board with texting. Now you need to organize their efforts to see the most returns. Here’s how to set your sales team up for SMS success!


1. Give Sales Its Own Line

Keep conversations in one place, so reps can focus on selling.

Giving your sales department its own texting line means inquiries come directly to your reps. No more sifting through support messages or responses to SMS marketing campaigns. 

You can even go one step further and give reps their own individual texting lines, and Text Request has a mobile app your reps can then use to keep their work messages separate from their personal ones while texting on the go. 


2. Assign Reps to Contacts

Keep track of who is talking to who.

Assigning reps to specific contacts goes a long way in making sure new leads are being handed off successfully. Contact Tags clearly show reps which leads they need to dedicate their attention to.

Reps can even document notes about their contacts inside of Text Request, like pain points or use cases, to make the most impact with their designated leads.

3. Nail the Timing

Just like with any communication channel, timing matters.

Reps should text between 9 am to 5 pm local time, unless a lead texts them earlier or later. That said, reps shouldn’t cold text people, and they need to stay conscious of how frequently they reach out—so they don’t deter leads.

Text messaging is best used in sales as a quick follow-up to keep the ball rolling, especially to set meetings and get updates.

Want to dive deeper? Check out our guide, 7 Steps to Closing More Sales with Business Text Messaging.

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