5 KPIs to Track Choosing Where to Focus Presenting Reports

SMS Metrics: Proving ROI from Your Texts

62% of businesses that text couldn’t tell you what their return on investment (ROI) for texting is.

We're going to show you which SMS metrics to track and how, so you can make improvements ongoing and prove ROI to your team. 


1. 5 KPIs to Track

That which gets measured gets better.

The five biggest key performance indicators (KPIs) that we consistently hear our customers say text messaging is improving are:

Time saved — The speed at which tasks are completed compared to calls or emails

Responses — The rate at which people take an action after you message them 

Revenue earned — The amount of sales or services that can be contributed to texts

Appointments kept — The amount of appointments booked or kept via text 

Stress reduced — The overall rating of how your team feels about work day-to-day

You need to track SMS metrics like these, so you can improve what you're doing, plus show what you've accomplished to the rest of your team.


2. Choosing Where to Focus

Pick one or two KPIs to monitor.

Aligning your team around one or two common goals will improve your results, as opposed to scrambling to tackle everything all at once. Employees are also more engaged and effective when they can see the “why” behind their actions and tie them to clear results.

Nail down one or two KPIs, and start recording improvements. This could be done in a spreadsheet, or within Text Request using our reports feature.

3. Presenting Reports

Let Text Request track the data for you.

We offer several different types of reports, but here are a few that may help with your KPIs.

Usage for Time & Stress Saved — A Usage Report allows you to track the number of sent texts and their delivery rate across a set period of time, so you can compare the amount of time and stress you saved not making calls.

Message Tags for Responses & Appointments Kept— Message tags are labels that you can attach to individual texts to help you create records, whether they're for tracking new leads or appointments. 

Keywords for Revenue Earned— A Keyword is a word customers can text to your business to do things like schedule an appointment, request more info, or start a conversation. A Keyword Report allows you to track the use of any Keywords you’ve created to increase sales or scheduled services. 

These are just a few examples of how you can use these reports. Each of them can be set to a custom time period and downloaded as a spreadsheet to present to the rest of your team.

track SMS metrics with reports

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