Create Raving Fans Prioritize Keeping Leads Warm Stay Involved in Tracking Results
Text Request Talks

3 B2B Growth Tips with RocketBarn Marketing’s Matt Martin

Business texting can boost your business-to-business (B2B) sales and help you see sustainable growth. 

Here’s how to use text messaging to create raving fans, keep your leads warm, and stay actively involved in tracking results, so your B2B business can flourish.

This article takes insights from our Text Request Talks podcast with Matt Martin and further distills it into advice specific to texting. Martin is the CEO of RocketBarn Marketing.

Watch the full interview on YouTube.

1. Create raving fans. 

Establishing relationships with your existing customers and nurturing them to be the most successful they can be with your B2B product is how Martin grew his own business.

He argues that most leads will want to see that your business has been around the market for three to five years before they make the decision to work with you. That means your current customers, who’ve already had a positive experience with you, are going to be key for winning new folks over.

So how do you turn current customers into raving fans who sing your praises through word-of-mouth marketing?

It starts with providing 5-star, non-stop customer service, which text messaging can help with.

Texting helps you answer questions and solve problems fast, in a way that customers actually enjoy. In fact, 77% of people want to text for customer service, including:

  • Back-and-forth conversations about products, services, or accounts

  • Support-related questions

  • Product ordering and payments

  • Scheduling trainings or calls for additional help

A well-equipped business texting service like Text Request empowers your customer service team to streamline communications in one place, while enabling your customers to effortlessly reach out.

Providing instant help is what will get customers marketing your business for you.

How to Use Text Messaging for Customer Service Communications

2. Prioritize keeping leads warm.

How do you build trust with leads? Martin says you show up consistently as an industry-expert who is always ready to lend a helping hand. 

But what does that look like in action?

Periodically send follow-up texts to leads with helpful links to educational content or files to help their decision based on what you know they're interested in. These texts can be spaced out until you get the final bite.

Below are some examples of texts for keeping leads warm.

Template 1: “You mentioned you were trying to get more local leads: [link] This a case study that shows how we make that happen.”

Template 2: “[Name], I know you’re slammed and trying to create more time for outreach. Here’s an infographic that breaks down how we can help you streamline your processes. [image]”

Template 3: “[Name], just read an article in [publication] placing [company name] in the list of top fastest-growing small businesses, congratulations!”

Actively searching for ways to help your leads and being consistent in reaching out to them is how you will show you have a genuine interest in solving their problems. Martin says that genuine interest is what will ultimately close the deal.

3. Stay actively involved in tracking results. 

That which gets measured gets better. That’s why Martin says you need to keep your eye on key performance indicators (KPIs), regardless of how high up you are in your role.

The five biggest key performance indicators (KPIs) that our customers consistently track are:

Revenue earned — The amount of sales or services that can be contributed to a certain action

Time saved — The speed at which tasks are completed

Responses — The rate at which people take an action after you reach out

Appointments kept — The amount of appointments booked or kept 

Text Request offers several different types of reports to track metrics, but here are a few that can help monitor the KPIs above.

Keywords for Revenue Earned — A Keyword is a word customers can text to your business to do things like schedule an appointment, request more info, or start a conversation. A Keyword Report allows you to track the use of any Keywords you’ve created to increase sales or scheduled services. 

Usage for Time Saved — A Usage Report allows you to track the number of sent texts and their delivery rate across a set period of time, so you can compare the amount of time you saved not making calls.

Message Tags for Responses & Appointments Kept— Message tags are labels that you can attach to individual texts to help you create records, whether they're for tracking new leads or appointments. 

You need to track SMS metrics like these, so you can improve what you're doing, plus show what you've accomplished to the rest of your team.

track SMS metrics with reports

How Else Can Texting Help Boost Your B2B?

The above are just a few quick tips—but we have an entire in-depth business text messaging guide for those who want to learn even more ways to implement SMS into your processes. 

Our business texting software has helped hundreds of businesses, and we’re ready to help yours next!

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