Contact Tags Mini Guide Contact Tags in Action

Contact Tags: Assign Reps to Conversations

Want to know which text conversations are being handled, and which still need a rep assigned to them?

Contact Tags make it easy to identify who a conversation belongs to.

contact tags for organizing text message conversations

Contact Tags Mini Guides

Contact Tags give you the power to group and identify contacts based on the tags you create. For instance, you might create contact tags to organize which rep is working with a contact, or which stage of the sales funnel the contact fits into.

Each person on your team can get their own custom color, so it only takes one quick glance at a Contact Tag to know who a contact has been handed off to.

To create a Contact Tag:

  1. Go to the Contacts section of your menu

  2. Under Manage, select Contact Tags

  3. Select + NEW CONTACT TAG

  4. Name your tag and assign a color (for easy identification and filtering)

  5. Select Add Tag

You can edit a tag’s name and color anytime by moving your mouse over it and selecting the pencil icon. Any edits you make to a tag will automatically update across the rest of your dashboard.

Read our in-depth Contact Tags guide here.

Contact Tags in Action

Work With Your Handz is a skilled trades recruiting company. Their recruiters send over 500+ texts a day to job candidates.

To keep all these different conversations organized, Work With Your Handz has their individual recruiters mark their job candidates with Contact Tags. This ensures candidates start and finish their hiring journey with their recruiter.

Read the Work With Your Handz full case study here.

Text Request Case Study for Work With Your Handz
Text Request helps our recruiters stick with job candidates throughout the hiring process. ”
Kelly Presgrave, President & CEO
Work With Your Handz

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