Zapier Integration: Add Texting to Just About Anything
Connect text messaging to thousands of online apps, software tools, and workflows using our Zapier integration.
Zapier Integration Mini Guide
Our Zapier integration gives you the power to create “Zaps” that trigger text messages to contacts based on the behavior they take with the other software you use.
For example, if a customer fills out a scheduling form on your website that you created with the software Typeform, you could create a Zap that automatically sends the customer a follow-up text with more information.
Other examples include:
Auto-sending texts whenever customers take certain actions
Auto-creating new contacts in Text Request and your other systems
Auto-updating contact records in Text Request or your other apps
Automatically adding your Text Request message history into your other software
To set up our Zapier integration:
Go to the Integrations section of your Text Request menu
Locate the Zapier integration box underneath the Everyday Tools section
Select See our most popular Zaps within the Zapier box
Scroll through the listed Zaps and select the one you'd like to use
Paste the URL you want to share
Click the Insert URL button
Log in or create a Zapier account for further setup.
Read our in-depth Zapier Integration guide here.
Zapier Integration in Action
Magnolia Dreams is a custom wedding decor and signage business. They've moved the bulk of their customer communications over to text, and are no longer having trouble with emails getting lost in spam. They also added Text Request’s SMS Chat to their website, which is a widget customers can use to start text conversations with them.
It was easy for Magnolia Dreams to set up an integration with Zapier that automatically sends potential customers a discount coupon whenever they use their website's SMS Chat. The Magnolia Dreams team has seen a 50% increase in website sales after creating that Zap.