Ask for a Confirmation Share What to Expect Have a Link to Reschedule

SMS Scheduling: Create Text Reminders that Stick

People need appointment reminders, or they forget. Sounds simple, but the returns you’ll see with SMS reminders are immense. Here are three tips for creating quality ones.


1. Ask for a Confirmation

Confirmations hold customers accountable, so they don’t forget.

That’s why a solid reminder text will directly ask customers to confirm their appointment, like:

“This is a reminder that your appointment with [Your Business] is at [time] on [date]. Text YES to confirm you're coming.”

Keywords can help streamline your appointment confirmation process. For example, the keyword “YES” could trigger a response with everything the customer needs to know about the appointment.


2. Share What to Expect

Appointment instructions help things go smoother for everyone.

First timers are often nervous, which makes them more likely to skip their appointment. Include any important details they may need to know about their appointment within your reminder text. This will make them feel more confident and increase their chances of showing up. 

  • Appointment time length

  • General break down of how the time slot will be spent

  • Where to meet, or how to connect

  • What to expect if you’re providing a service

  • Whether or not they should bring anything

Save this information as a Template, and you’ll always have it prepared to shoot to new customers. You’ll save time, the customer will have a positive experience, and you’ll keep more appointments. 


3. Have a Link to Reschedule

Customers won’t cancel if it’s easy to reschedule.

A reschedule is always better than a no-show. Your job is to make it as easy as possible for customer to do just that—so you don’t completely lose their business.

Keep a rescheduling link saved in your Templates. That way you have it ready to send, if the customer responds to your reminder text that they need to cancel.

Want to dive deeper? Check out our guide for appointment scheduling by text messaging.

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